Data driven
in logistics

Elain specializes in logistics CO₂ tracking, automatically providing precise emission data per order, recipient, and carrier. By replacing estimates and assumptions with data directly from the source, we empower informed, data-driven decisions for effective decarbonization and robust sustainability reporting.

Why Elain?

Elain excels in tracking CO₂ emissions within logistics. By automating the traditionally manual process of data collection and calculation, we provide precise emissions visualization per order, recipient, and carrier.

Working with primary data enhances accuracy, empowering data-driven decisions for effective decarbonization efforts, and supports high quality sustainability reporting. Our approach replaces the reliance on estimates and averages, ensuring informed actions in the pursuit of sustainability.

Engaging with CO₂ reporting in a standardized manner aids compliance with the CSR directive and enhances your ESG rating.


Smart freight centre accreditation elain



Elain automatically collects and calculates the CO₂ emissions of logistic flows. This approach replaces the traditionally manual methods of data gathering and computation, ensuring not only precision in emissions quantification but also expediting the process.

Quality data

Elain is GLEC accredited by Smart Freigth Centre, showcasing a methodology in line with the most recognized industry standards such as CHG Protocol, ISO 1483, CDP and SBTi.
Smart Freight Centre →

Decision support

Elain provides real-time visibility into your logistics sustainability performance, visualizing carbon footprint per order, recipient, and carrier with high-quality data. This empowers you to identify emission hotspots, track the impact of improvement measures, and monitor targets over time.

Our products

Product 1

Elain Advanced

Elain Advanced is for transport buyers or advanced transporters that want to track their carbon emissions on a detailed level. This is enabled by the collection of exact fuel consumption and type from your transport network, and merging it with order and load data, allowing you to track the CO₂-emissions down to a specific transported unit if you wish.
Product 2


Elain is for those who want to track the fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions of your fleet in an automated way and based on data directly from the source. This makes it easy for you to report your emissions, both internally and to customers.

"By leveraging Elain’s advanced capabilities, we aim to gain valuable insights into our logistics operations and make informed decisions to minimize our environmental impact’’

– Øystein Rønningen, COO, InQuire

Selected partners

If you’re interested in detailed emissions tracking for all your transports

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